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July 27th
The Rector called the first meeting of the Logistic Team on Saturday (the Ven. Bruce Morris, David Moul, Sandra Sneddon, Barbara Carver, and the Rector) to map out the various changes we need to adjust to worship in a different space.  Below is a summary of the changes to the various liturgical ministries to facilitate the congregation to worship in the Parish Hall during the closure of the Sanctuary.   It may be helpful to refer to the Parish Hall floor plan diagram to better understand these changes:
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Greeters: You may greet right at the front entrance to the breezeway.  You'll find the bulletins, large print hymnals and regular hymnals on a Coffee cart near the entrance.  All the words of the hymns are printed in the bulletin.  Hymns books are available for those who prefer to sing with music.  You may need to quickly explain to people why we are worshipping in the Hall until further notice.
Altar Guild: On Saturday, members on duty will get gather all necessary vessels, linens, bread and wine needed for Sunday and leave it in a tote.  You may recruit help from the Setup Team to move the altar to the Hall.  Flowers may be set up on either side of the altar in the Hall after 1 pm.  On Sunday morning, the 8:30 Celebrant will take the tote and set up the altar.  Between the 2 services, you may use the kitchen sink for cleaning up.  At the end of the 10 o'clock service, kindly pack up the vessels and linens and carry them back to the Sacristy in the tote.
Servers: You may vest in the Vestry as usual and standby in the breezeway 5 minutes before the service (altar candles lit 10 minutes prior to service).  There will be a short procession into the Hall and you may sit down on one of the two chairs on the right-hand side of the altar.  You are to use the countertop of the right-hand side window opening as your credence table.  To simplify things we are not going to have a Gospel Procession until we return to the Sanctuary.  
Readers/Intercessor: You will read from the lectern on the right-hand side of the altar.  There will be a mic ready for you.
Lay Administrators: There will be one Communion station in front of the altar right at the centre.  The two clergypersons administering the bread will be in the centre and the lay administrators with the wine will stand on either side of the clergy.  Communicants will receive bread and then either move to the left or the right to receive the wine.  
Musician(s): You will be at the far right front corner leading music.
Coffee Hosts: Coffee/tea station will be on the right-hand side opening (instead of the usual left opening).  You are asked to set up coffee and cups behind the blind before the service.  At the end of the service, you may open the blind after the Servers clear the sacred vessels on the other side of the blind.   
In addition, parishioners will be asked to volunteer to set up and take down the liturgical space each weekend while worship takes place in the Hall.  A sign-up sheet will available in the Hall or you may call the Parish Office to volunteer.
Set-up will be on Saturday at 1 pm (5 volunteers needed for up to 1 hour)
Clean-up will be on Sunday after church at noon (5 volunteers needed for up to 30 minutes)
Tasks: move altar and lectern from Narthex to Hall, set up/take down chairs, set up/take down sound system)