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The Season of Creation begins officially on September 1, 2023 and lasts until the feast of St. Francis on October 4.  During this special season, are invited to celebrate, mourn, and collaborate with God's vibrant and fragile Creation.

St Hilda's Schedule of Events
Sunday Services
Through September, we will have various people speak to us about creation, its wonders, and our responsibilities and responses in faith.

Bible Study
“Scripture and the Climate Crisis” lead by Rev Dr. Stephen Black. We will meet on four Tuesdays in September starting on the 5th from 10:15 - 11:45 am in the Sanctuary.  Any questions, please talk to Steve. (link)
Potluck Lunch
On September 17 we will share a meal together following worship.  We encourage parishioners to bring vegetarian dishes, recognizing the significant impact of industrial meat production on the environment.  We want to keep it as simple as possible so finger foods / light luncheon type of food offerings!  Everybody is encouraged to bring their own cutlery and dishes, etc.  We don’t want anyone to have to clean up afterwards.  All are welcome!
Meditative Walks Tuesdays at 3 pm
These are weekly opportunities to walk or sit and to appreciate creation and our place in it.  If you need a ride, or can offer a ride, please, contact Bruce Pond by phone (705-772-9438) or email

Climate Action
On September 15-17, as the UN Secretary General will be convening a special climate ambition summit, the world will be taking to the streets in global climate days of action.  If you are interested in the Vancouver Climate Strike, please CLICK HERE for more info about this.  Also, CLICK HERE for the Climate Emergency Unit.

From our Diocese:    Check out the new Climate Response Ministry web pages for ideas and conversation partners.  And remember -- our care for Creation lasts all year!

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